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Image by Paul Summers

We are an open and diverse spiritual community recognizing the divine in everyone. We are committed to individual and collective transformation based on the teaching and principles of Science of Mind.


We Embrace the Global Heart Vision,

A WORLD THAT WORKS FOR EVERYONE, where forgiveness, compassion, nonviolence, respect, appreciation of beauty and the generous sharing of resources are the norm.

Please join us as we celebrate our
Divinity, Diversity

and Unity

All are welcome!

Please join us each Sunday:

Meditation Begins at 10:00 am

Service Begins at 10:30 am

Youth and Teen Programs at 10:30 am

We are located at 540 N. Holly St. in Medford, OR

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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Service and Youth Programs: 10:30 am

Pre-service Meditation: 10 am


Our Guest Speaker: Rev. Stephanie Clarke


Her Message- “Riding the Waves of Change:

Spiritual Tools for Turbulent Times”


It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.

  • Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities


Musical Inspiration: Laura Berryhill & Anton Mizerak


Presiding Minister: Rev. Michelle Arellano


Pulpit Practitioner: Rev. Laura Stewart


Meditation & High Watch: Trazia Wylde

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Kids Blowing Bubbles

Playful Spirit
Youth Program and CSL Rogue Valley
Teen Group
Join us Sunday mornings


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Our Theme for 2024:

"A Grand Rising"

This phrase is entering mainstream consciousness from its roots among spiritual Black Americans & astrologers. To use “grand rising” is a decision to begin the day with positivity and intentionality. It

wakes us up from unconscious habits and behaviors and moves us towards conscious action that supports evolution individually and collectively.

Subscribe to our weekly newsletter for up-to-date info!

Thanks for subscribing!

Watch LIVE, or catch the recording later at:

Center for Spiritual Living Rogue Valley YouTube Channel:


Visit the Sunday Talks
or Service Videos
pages for our archives.

Special Thanks to Our Weekly Streaming Crew:

Bill Miner
Corey Renik
Tom Frederick-sound
Shannon Schnibbe
Jason and Ben Rumel
Vivian Lacy

Forest Trees

Prayer Ministry


After service on Sundays our practitioners gift you with prayer.

Each week, our Prayer Ministry also

prays for each person who submits a written request.

Please use the form below to send us an email

with a brief description of the situation for which you would like prayer and the desired outcome of the prayer.

Please note also if you would like a written response.

Prayer request sent. Thank you.



Where all life is honored as an expression of the Divine

Where people live according to spiritual truth 

Where humanity awakens to its spiritual magnificence

Where humanity rediscovers personal creative power

Where we live as one global family

Where kinship with all life prospers

Where unity and connection are emphasized

Where forgiveness is the norm

Where spiritual guidance is valued

Where we are called to conscious social action

Where people have enough food, homes, and a sense of belonging

Where there is peace, harmony and justice for all

Where resources are valued, cared for, and shared

Where communities are meaningfully involved in service to the world

Where there is a renewed emphasis on beauty, nature, creativity, art, and aesthetics 

We envision a world that works for everyone and for all of creation.

Ways to Support

​Consider setting up a recurring tithe through our "Donate" page. 

It's easy and provides an efficient way to

continue your tithing if traveling.

Just click on the Donate/Pay button found below 

and throughout this website.

Center for Spiritual Living Rogue Valley


P.O. Box 1458, Medford OR 97501

Offices/Classrooms/Service: 540 N Holly St, Medford 

Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9 am to 1 pm

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